On Friday 7 June, we will celebrate Founder’s Day. Although the actual feast day of Blessed Edmund Rice is on 5 May, we always celebrate this in June at St Patrick’s College. Edmund Rice is the example we look to in teaching our boys about standing with the poor, being ‘other’ centred and generally about being a good human person; letting our humanity shine to promote and increase the dignity and respect we afford our fellow men and women. We do all of this in the name of the Gospel and in offering every boy the opportunity to develop and deepen his relationship with the person of Jesus.
Please note the following:
- Attendance by all boys in full College uniform is expected. Boys absent on the day will be required to obtain a medical certificate and present it to their homeroom teacher on their first day back.
- Boys are required to attend school at the normal time and they will be dismissed at 2.00pm.
- Boys will not be required to bring bags/belongings to school on this day. The exception to this may be competitors in the annual Waterford Mile who can store clothes in their lockers.
- Boys will be expected to attend the Founder’s Day Mass, Concert, BBQ Lunch and Waterford Mile.
- Canteen facilities will operate during recess with all menu items being available.
- A BBQ lunch will be provided for all boys following the Founder’s Day Concert.
At the conclusion of the day, parents are advised of the following arrangements for the collection of students at 2.00pm:
- Berg, Coghlan and Crichton students can be collected from the normal Kiss & Drop collection area on Fraser Street.
- Hanrahan, Hickey and Rice students can be collected from the school bus zone on Francis Street. Parents should approach from Merely Road and ensure that they do not park in the 407 bus zone as it will be operating.
Members of the Student Leadership Team will escort younger students to Strathfield Station.
We look forward to a day of celebration.