St Patrick's College Strathfield

Heralding the New School Year

On Friday 10 February, the whole College community came together to celebrate the start of a new school year through the Holy Eucharist.

Our College Chaplain, Father Jack Evans, celebrated the Mass for us and our College Captain, Alessandro Romeo, gave the address which powerfully expressed the meaning behind this year’s scriptural theme chosen by the student leaders: “That there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose.” (1 Corinthians 1:10) This formed the foundation for the readings hymns and prayers and helped connect us to the EREA Touchstone of Justice and Solidarity.

The Gospel of ‘The Vine and the Branches’, inspired us to understand that the unity we strive for in our community is founded on Christ and that we all grow together and outward to be Christ in the world. The College Orchestral Ensemble and Choir lead the music for the Mass beautifully.

Following Mass, the whole community celebrated the academic achievements of the Class of 2022; the whole day bringing together our two great missions – faith and education.