St Patrick's College Strathfield

Opening College Mass


On Friday 9 February, the whole College community came together to celebrate the start of a new school year through the Holy Eucharist.

Our College Chaplain, Father Jack Evans, concelebrated the Mass with Old Boy, Father Ronald Maree (’10).

At the beginning of proceedings, our new Year 5 students were welcomed on to the stage by their Year 12 House Prefect, before passing through a guard of honour formed by their Year 12 brothers. They then gathered together in the stands and recited their respective House Prayers together.

College Captain, Michael Sakr, introduced this year’s scriptural theme chosen by the student leaders: “It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown, it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree.” [Matthew 13:32].

In his Homily, Father Maree offered insights into the significance of the mustard seed parable, highlighting that even though at times we may feel small and insignificant, when Jesus is in our hearts, we have the potential to grow and achieve many wonderful things. What a beautiful sentiment to guide us through 2024!

This year’s EREA Touchstone focus is ‘Liberating Education’, and we were reminded of how this aligns with the qualities of our ‘Ideal Graduate.’

The readings, prayers and hymns all looked at how we can grow and in turn be Christ’s light in the world. They spoke of us being part of God’s creation and how we aim to be the best we can be. The College Orchestral Ensemble and Choir lead the music for the Mass beautifully.

Following Mass, the whole community celebrated the academic achievements of the Class of 2023; the whole day bringing together our two great missions – faith and education.