On Thursday 21 September, our Year 11 students officially transitioned into our leading year group of 2024. This is a significant milestone in the school life of our students and the sanctity of the occasion is celebrated with the Black Tie Liturgy.
During the Liturgy, we reflected on the letter St Paul wrote to the Corinthians about LOVE. Dr Lavorato broke down the meaning of agape love, explaining that as leaders of the College, our Year 12 students are called to think before they act and refrain from selfish motivation, humbly considering others before themselves. In short, the Class of 2024 is challenged to ‘love’ all the boys at St Patrick’s and to put their needs above their own.
After the blessing of the ties, each member of the Class of 2024 received their ties and Year 12 Badges before taking the traditional walk through the Via Sacra.