To mark the beginning of the Lenten Season, we gathered together to prepare with an Ash Wednesday Liturgy. With wet weather and some restrictions, the Liturgy was live streamed from the Chapel to the classrooms and was led by Fr Jack and the three Identity Prefects, each taking on a particular component of the service.
In accordance with our Christian action to return to God, our Liturgy was divided into the three core components – Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting. During the Liturgy, each boy was asked to write on a purple slip how they proposed to fulfill each one of these areas and then they placed these in their diaries as a constant reminder to them.
Putting others, including God, at the centre of our lives, guides our heart and our wellbeing, as we journey towards the triumphant joy of Easter. The ashes placed on our foreheads are a reminder of our search for mercy and promise to return to God. May Christ walk with you each day.