On Wednesday 23 September, we celebrated the Graduation of the Class of 2020. At the Graduation Assembly, students were presented with their Graduation Certificates, Old Boy ties and significant awards. Final speeches were made by Year 12 Coordinator Mr Castiglione, College Captain Noah Palozzo and College Principal Dr Wattam. At the conclusion of the Assembly, the boys processed through a guard of honour formed by the rest of the student body. After sharing a lunch together the cohort celebrated their Graduation Mass with their Homeroom Teachers and College Executive in the early evening.
Both events were live streamed to parents and adaptations were made to the structure so that all restrictions were met. The sound of group singing was sorely missed on the day, but soloists took the lead and thrilled all who were present. Despite parents not being physically present they were certainly present in spirit and the students took their great love and appreciation home. All in all, celebrations were as close to normal as possible and the Class of 2020 did themselves proud in the way they finished. Kudos and thanks to everyone!