On Friday 30 August, the students came together with their fathers to celebrate their masculinity, the Father/Son relationship and how connected we are to God our Father. Our Masses focused on the Season of Creation which began on Fathers’ Day, looking at the creation of the earth and humanity, and how we are all in a relationship together. We reflected on how we cannot live God’s will without caring for the earth. God gave these fathers their children, just as he gave humanity the earth to care for, and so we celebrated the importance of all of this intertwined in our lives.
The Reflection song was a highlight in both Masses with two Old Boys, Simon (’11) and Paolo Torresan (’13) in one Mass, and Torie Simicevic (Year 10) and Douglas Hoban (Year 11) in the other, singing Fall on Me by Andrea Bocelli and his son, Matteo. Following the celebrations of the Eucharist Fathers, Grandfathers and other significant male role models gathered for morning tea put on by the College’s P&F.