St Patrick's College Strathfield

Celebrating Fatherhood


Friday 31 August saw the College celebrate two Fathers’ Day Masses with around 1,200 people in attendance. Our celebration centred around the themes of wisdom, mercy and presence, as we recognised God’s never-ending role in our lives.

We reflected on the various ways to be a man and two members of staff shared their different experiences of fatherhood. In our quiet time after communion, we listened to Year 12 student Tom Kearney and his dad, John, sing Just the Way You Are as we watched a variety images of manhood.

We remembered those fathers who have died and at each stage of the Mass we were reminded of how each one of us is a link in the chain which strengthens when we work together for the greater good.

The Spirit was clearly present and moved amongst us on the day. Following Mass the fathers enjoyed some time at morning tea provided and organised by the P&F.