St Patrick’s College offers a ‘Kiss and Ride’ (Drop-off and Pick-up) zone located on Fraser Street, on the school side of the road.
‘Kiss and Ride’ Hours of Operation
The designated hours for ‘Kiss and Ride’ are between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. During these hours, the only authorised area for dropping off and picking up students is along the Fraser Street ‘Kiss and Ride’ zone.
- Drop-off: 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
- Pick-up: 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Traffic Management and Transport Procedures
Important Guidelines
To ensure the safety of our community members and in consideration of our neighbours, parents are reminded to adhere to the following guidelines when dropping off and picking up students before and after school:
- Between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, the Fraser Street ‘Kiss and Ride’ area is the sole designated location for dropping off and picking up students.
- In the morning, please be aware that the ‘Kiss and Ride’ area starts just before the Scientia Building driveway. Do not block the driveway.
- In the afternoon, the ‘Kiss and Ride’ procedure differs due to staffing arrangements, and parents will be directed up to Edgar Street by staff.
- When lining up in Shortland Street, alongside Breen Oval, do not attempt to turn right into Fraser Street if you are approaching from the east along Shortland Street. Instead, continue along Shortland Street to Francis Street, go around the roundabout, and join the line of vehicles traveling west towards Shortland Street. Parents are expected to manage this process themselves and show consideration for others.
- Please be aware that there are ‘No Stopping’ sones signposted around the College, including both sides of Marion Street north of Barker Road, the south side of Edgar Street east of Marion Street, and the west side of Fraser Street south of Shortland Avenue. Parking or standing your vehicle in these sones is prohibited from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM and from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM.
- While in the ‘Kiss and Ride’ zone, the driver should remain in the vehicle. Passengers should enter and exit the vehicle via the curbside door, preferably the rear door. Items should not be retrieved from the vehicle’s trunk.
- In the afternoon, if your son is not present in the ‘Kiss and Ride’ area, please exit the area, complete a lap around the block, and join the end of the queue.
- Any boy not collected by 3:45 PM will be directed to the McGlade Library, where they can be supervised by Homework Club staff. They can then be collected from the front of the College, as the bus sones are no longer operational after 4:00 PM.
Additionally, please ensure you are familiar with the NSW Government School Safety guidelines for further reference.