St Patrick's College Strathfield


The College communicates with parents in a number of forms.



The College newsletter is the primary way the College communicates with parents. A College Newsletter, Especean, is published on the College website and emailed to all parents and students every Wednesday afternoon. It contains information about the College life, including Principal’s and Deputy Principal’s messages, College news, important reminders, Curriculum and Co-curricular updates, upcoming events, and P&F news.

Parents are encouraged to read the newsletter each week.



The SPC App is another way the College communicates with parents and is used to:

  • receive notifications and updates
  • view the College calendar
  • read the College newsletter (Especean)
  • receive co-curricular notifications and access fixtures
  • access Student Café
  • access TASS Parent Lounge
  • access College map
  • access College contacts and
  • access other important information.

To download the SPC App, search for St Patrick’s College in the App Store (iPhones) or Google Play (Android phones) and look for the College crest. Ensure App notifications are enabled, and relevant subscriptions (e.g. year group, co-curricular team) selected.



Student Diary 

All students at the College are provided with a College Diary. The diary is an effective form of communication between home and the College regarding your son.

Parents are required to check their son’s diary to see if homework is regularly being completed and to note any communication from the College. Parents are required to sign the diary each week.

The student diary is used to:

  • enter homework every day
  • manage calendar commitments and responsibilities
  • signed by a parent each week
  • signed by Class Teacher or Homeroom Teacher each week and
  • note SMART goals each term.

The loss of the diary should be brought to the immediate attention of the Class Teacher (Junior School) or Year Coordinator (Senior School).

The College diary will be handed to students on their first day of school.

Student Management System

The College’s Student Management System (TASS Parent Lounge and Student Café) is an integrated system that manages every aspect of your son’s information and College life and allows the College staff to communicate and engage with parents and students.


TASS Parent Lounge  

The TASS Parent Lounge is the primary form of communication with all families. The platform enables parents to:   

  • access the College calendar and notifications  
  • apply for leave and absence 
  • review their child’s student profile including timetables, attendance records, upcoming tasks, academic reports, and illness records 
  • update their own contact details and the contact and medical details for their children 
  • view accounts and payments and 
  • book parent-teacher interviews. 

New families will be allocated a single login for the TASS Parent Lounge and an email will be sent in 2024 with this information. For existing families with a son enrolled at the College, parents will be able to use their existing login and access all your son’s information. 

Further information and instructions will be emailed to parents in 2024. 


Student Café 

The Student Café provides students with access to information about their own learning. Students can view their own timetable and assessment schedules. 



Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that students and teachers access. Students can access class materials, submit assessments, and view grades.  



Teachers communicate with parents and students via email. Students must check their emails every day.   


Social Media 

To stay across the College’s public news, follow the Facebook or Instagram accounts. The College does not use social media to distribute key items of communication.  


College Website 

Public news is also shared on the news section of the College website. 



The College does NOT use WhatsApp as an official channel of information. If you are invited to a WhatsApp group by a parent, please note the information shared may not be a reliable source of information. Parents are encouraged to refer to the College newsletter, emails and TASS Parent Lounge as the main forms of communication. 




The Lucerna is a bi-annual College magazine featuring community news, articles, and photographs. 


The Lumen is the College Yearbook compiles memories, photographs, and highlights each year. It is a keepsake for reflecting the College community’s achievement and growth. 

HSC Results 

The College publication celebrates the achievements of its graduates.