In the last week of term, the College held its annual Speech Night at the Sydney Olympic Park Quaycentre. After the last couple of years when we have had restrictions placed upon us, it was great to have a normal Speech Night once again. It was a wonderful celebration of our community as well as an opportunity to offer special acknowledgement and recognition of the many academic, cultural and sporting achievements.
During her address, Dr Lavorato summarised the year that was outlining the challenges we have had to overcome while also recognising our many accomplishments. Following this, Dr Lavorato proposed this year’s recipient of the Luceat Award, our beloved Father Jack Evans, and in doing so declared the following: “The unconventional but authentic man that he is, Father Jack has touched our lives in a special way and is an ever-present source of goodness and peace. Father Jack is an institution at St Patrick’s College. His humanity and humility combine to make the ordinariness of the man, extraordinary.”
The theme for this year’s Speech Night was ‘Voice’, and a perfect reminder that we all have a voice to share, when we proclaim not only our commitment to the College, but also use this privilege of belonging and opportunity to speak for, and with, others. This is what true advocacy is about, amplifying the voice of the other to ensure a change for the better. This theme set the tone of the evening with the community treated to high quality entertainment, showcasing the wonderful talents of students and staff in various musical, dramatic, choral and audio-visual presentations. The grand finale performance of ‘You’re the Voice’ was the perfect end to the evening as we all raised our voices together in song.